Situated in a breathtakingly beautiful and scenic location, facing the Western Ghats and a massive, well designed landscaped lawn, it has become a landmark for the people of Karkala and its neighbouring areas. This hospital with its magnificent architecture, situated on Tellar Road, is just 2.9 K.M from the Karkala Bus Stand.
The hospital has an excellent panel of consultants, working here on regular basis:
The above mentioned consultants are on call 24x7, for any emergencies or for serious patients who come to hospital during non-working hours also. The hospital duties are covered round the clock 24x7 from 10 major departments by the K.S. Hegde Medical Academy Junior Residents.
The visiting super specialists from Cardiology, Nephrology, dermatology, Urology, ENT, Laproscopic & Endoscopic Specialist visit this Hospital on different days and their details of appointments are available at the hospital reception counter
We have 5 beds Dialysis Unit with expert technicians running in full capacity throughout the day.
Our Dental unit is a 365 days unit run by two Senior Dentists. Specialists from ABSMIDS are visiting every week to our hospital to provide their respective department services to people. We have an Orthopantomogram (OPG) in our Dental Unit.
The hospital equipped CT Scan, X-ray Unit, C-R system, Ultrasound, Laboratory, fully functional Blood Storage Unit. Hospital has a full-fledged Physiotherapy Unit with experienced Physiotherapist.
Five bed emergency department (Casualty) and a Minor operation theatre located in front of the hospital.
We have two Major Operation theatres (OT), one Delivery Suite and five bed ICU with state of the art Monitors and Ventilators.
We have A/C-Special, Special and Semi Special Wards besides male & Female General Wards in a spacious and clean environment.
The staff members are courteous and experienced. We have an in-house cafeteria and Medically Equipped Ambulance service.
There is a 24 hours Pharmacy within our premises.
The people of Karkala and its adjoining areas get Quality medical treatment at affordable prices.